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3 Reasons to Ditch Office and Go Google today

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | February 5, 2013

Do yourself a favor and get out of the Office.

A lot of people still use Microsoft Office. It has been staple software in many industries since The Cosby Show was a hit.

But are the go-to word processor, slideshow creator and database program still right for you? 

Microsoft Office has become bland, bloated and obsolete for the changing landscapes of business. Sticking with it because it used to be standard could be hindering your company from thriving in a competitive market.

Trying Google Docs could give your company the push in the right direction. Programs meant for businesses in the 21st century use cloud technology for constant backup and collaboration. An interconnected office with the latest security assurances is an ideal way to work, and Office simply can't deliver it.

Why else should you consider Google Docs? What can Google offer? Check out these three reasons:

Battle of the Word Processors
Did "Clippy" ever really help people create documents? While the clunky word processor with the little helper we all loved to hate used to be the only game in town, things have changed. Google Docs, the flagship program of Google suite of collaborative tools, is a word processor that is a great alternative to Microsoft Word simply because it's light and packed with features.

Spreadsheets of the Future
There are college classes dedicated to maneuvering Microsoft Excel. Google offers an Excel alternative called Spreadsheets. You don't need to spend countless hours in a classroom to figure out how to work the program. You can make beautiful spreadsheets that are faster to run, easier to manipulate, and full of the functionality your small business needs.

Slide By Slide Comparison
PowerPoint has become ubiquitous in the business world, but the designs and layout options of PowerPoint has certainly seen better days. Having to make sure your PowerPoint slideshow is compatible with other devices can quickly become a nightmare. The Google alternative, Slides, takes the frustration out of creating slideshows. It will give your presentation that extra oomph that says "business" and not "third grade art project".

Why are Google's office alternatives so much better? Why are business owners, IT professionals and everyone else making the switch? It's quite easy:

  • Google Docs is easier to use. It's intuitive and has easy user assistance tools. it also eliminates the bloatware, advertisements and expensive "packages" that Microsoft constantly dumps on its users.
  • Be able to collaborate with your staff and team on the fly with instant sharing, multiple editors in a document. You will also be able to utilize Google Apps scripts and business apps in real time too.
  • With Google Docs, you will never have to worry about updates, upgrades, crashes, or service packs. Have a fried computer? No problem, all of your documents and projects are safe and can be accessed anywhere through Google's cloud services.
  • Finally, it's is inexpensive and worthy investment fore any business to take advantage of Google Apps, 5GB of drive space, full Gmail services, Google website design and hosting. All this cutting edge technology is here for your business for only $5/month per user.

Save money, collaborate in real-time, and never worry about crashed computers or lost documents ever again with Google Docs. Sign up with Google Apps for business and start seeing the difference in your everyday business.