G Suite Admins

3 Strategies to Keep Your Business Day Organized

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | February 8, 2013

The modern world can become a little overwhelming not only for individuals, but for businesses as well. Your days at the office don't have to be chaotic. Below are three tips to help your business stay more organized this month.

1. Have a plan
Having a plan is one of the best business habits you can have. Your business should always have a daily plan to help you and your team members stay organized. Your daily plan should include goals to meet for the day or the week, whether it is in sales, marketing, or any other aspect of your business. Make sure you have a plan that is clearly understood across the board, so there is no missed communication between the team. You should also give a positive approach to your daily or monthly plans so your team members will be excited and ready to help execute the goals together. Helping to navigate a clear path for your team will help your business run more efficiently in a less stressful atmosphere.

2. Open communicaton
The key to effective organization is open communication. Having clear communication between members will let you know what is going on with every aspect of your business at any moment. Lack of communication will hinder a business from executing the goals that need to be met. Technology provides us with so many opportunities of communication that should be utilized to their full advantage. Here are a few tools for communication that can help lead your team to better communication:

Google Hangout

  • Accessible 24/7
  • Video Chat
  • Group Chat
  • Can be accessed anywhere at anytime 
  • Record your Hangouts 
  • Share Google Docs in Hangout


  • Fast and simple
  • Chat with other Gmail Accounts
  • Accessible anywhere with an internet connection
  • Access Gchat through your Gmail account


  • Exchange longer and more detail content
  • Interact with non Gmail users
  • Access online or offline

3. Accountability
Holding one another accountable will help structure a better business. There are instances where things can become more relaxed during the job, and while a comfortable atmosphere can help lighten the mood, becoming too relaxed can lead to more chaos. You must not only keep yourself accountable, but your coworkers must be held accountable for their duties. If you are scheduled to complete a task, make sure you see it through. Once you get the job out the way you can enjoy the rest of your day.

Keeping your business organized does not have to be a hassle, and can lead to a brighter more fruitful future for both you and your team.