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BusinessDay Predicted Business Migration To The Cloud. Did It Happen?

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | October 28, 2012

"There's an awful lot of hype around about cloud computing, but so far very little take-up. Research by Optus shows that only 4 percent of small businesses use cloud solutions."

So said a BusinessDay article from earlier this year that asserted that 2012 would "be the year that small businesses truly embrace this new technology."

So, has it turned out to be true?


Coolhead Tech has been helping Austin and San Marcos businesses make the move to the cloud. Google Apps for Business are a big part of the Coolhead Tech solution. The professional versions of Gmail, Calendar and Google Drive let teams collaborate, giving employees access to the latest software, features and security updates. There's no need to buy and maintain servers; everything can be managed from a single interface.

"Cloud platforms will increasingly be used by small businesses to back up their data," said Rhys Evans of IT consultancy Thomas Duryea, according to the article. "It's much safer to put your information in the cloud than on an external hard drive in the boot of your car."

With Coolhead Tech, client data is secure and protected via Backupify and Cloudlock. The security concerns of cloud-based business, although once considerable, have been vastly improved over the past several years.

The managing director of telecommunications company Optus Small and Medium Business, Rohan Ganeson, said in the article linked above that cloud-based applications will help increase efficiency.

"There is a huge opportunity for small businesses to evaluate how technology can help them better manage costs, grow their business and respond to evolving consumer behaviors," he said.

"As the economy remains tight and uncertain, the cloud represents a potential for cost and efficiency savings small businesses can use to stay competitive.''