G Suite Admins

Decision Time for Manufacturers - Upgrading Email Servers

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | September 17, 2015

Manufacturers who haven't already switched over to the cloud to handle their email need to look into the advantages of this new technology to determine whether or not it's the right solution for their company. Understanding the benefits cloud email applications offer in terms of accessibility and cost effective is very important in today's rapidly-evolving online business atmosphere. 

The Benefits of Google Apps

Determining whether or not to make a change at any business requires an analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of that change.


The following are the benefits offered by Google Apps for Work:

  • Faster development time for new products:
    Cloud-based email facilitates collaboration. When your employees are excited about a new idea, they are coming up with fleeting inspiration on improvements that can be made even when they're out of the office. Not only does cloud-based email make it easier for employees to communicate and collaborate on new products remotely, but it also makes it easier to share documents like CAD files, spreadsheets detailing research data, and white papers elaborating on a new technology's potentials that are essential for envisioning and perfecting a new product idea. 

  • Lower IT costs and reduced IT responsibilities:
    Those using Google for manufacturing will have more success when they do away with superfluous tasks to concentrate on their main business function. Cloud-based solutions are great when it comes to avoiding IT tasks that having nothing to do with a company's raison d'ĂȘtre

  • Access from any device:
    Email services that operate via the cloud are great when companies are trying to encourage BYOD policies. When employees can work using their own devices, it can save the company money on hardware while also allowing employees more freedom. 

  • Simpler set-up:
    Comparing the set-up time of on premise email to that of a cloud-based solution is a real eye-opener. It can take months to implement a new software program stored on a company's own servers. On the other hand, a cloud-based solution can sometimes be up and running in only hours. Less time and effort spent on the IT tasks of setting up email applications means more time spent on product development and the actual manufacturing process. 

Reasons why companies stick to on-premise solutions

It's also important to analyze the drawbacks of cloud-based email. Even companies that have already decided to adopt Google for manufacturing as a cloud-based email solution need to understand the negatives so in order to optimize their solution by adjusting for potential limitations. 

One of the most common concerns about cloud-based email solutions is data security. When a company uses on premise email, the company has complete control over sensitive information and preventing loss of information. On the other hand, there is a certain "leap of faith" involved in trusting emails to a cloud-based service provider. Despite the concerns, information security is probably more strongly guaranteed by a company specialized in keeping data secure than by a manufacturing company specialized in producing a product. Google has extensive experience keeping the online information of both individual and corporate customers secure over the years. 

Another possible drawback is possible limitations on file capacity. Companies needing to send large files of 50 GB or larger might run into some obstacles. However, it's important to understand that many companies never deal with files of this size. To put things in perspective, the average computer hard drive as of 2009 was about 100 GB. If companies do need to deal with large files, they can often accommodate their needs by paying more for increased bandwidth. Sending a file of such size might even prove problematic with an on premise email program.