G Suite Admins

Gmail: Reply, Forward and Print if you have to.

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | October 1, 2013

Replying, Forwarding and Printing messages in Gmail is easy.  It is helpful to know the differences in conversation view and how to reply, forward and print a specific message versus the entire conversation.

Reply to a Message

You can reply to just the sender or to all recipients of a message.

To reply to a single message or the last message in a conversation

  1. Open the message. If the message is part of a conversation, open the conversation and select the message you want to reply to.

  1. At the bottom of the message, click Reply (to reply to just the sender) or Reply to all (to reply to all recipients). The Reply to all option won’t appear if the email was only sent to you.

  2. Optionally, you can change your reply format by clicking the arrow next to the Recipients field, or add new email addresses to the conversation by clicking directly in the Recipients field.

  1. Enter your reply in the message field.

  2. At the bottom of the message, click Send.

To reply to an earlier message in a conversation

  1. Open the conversation and select the message you want to reply to.

  2. To reply to just the sender, click the Reply button:

    If you’d rather reply to all recipients, click the
    down arrow next to the Reply button, and then click Reply to all:

  3. Optionally, add other email addresses to which to send the reply.

  4. Enter your reply in the message field.

  5. At the bottom of the message, click Send.

Forward a Message

You can forward a message, just a single message in a conversation, or an entire conversation.

To forward a message or a single message in a conversation:

  1. Open the message. If the message is part of a conversation, open the conversation and select the message to forward.

  1. At the bottom of the message, click Forward.

    Note: If you have a conversation open, the Forward link sends the last (most recent) message. If you’d rather forward an earlier message in the conversation, select the message, click the down arrow next to the message’s Reply button, and then click Forward:

  2. Enter the email addresses to which to forward the message, and add any notes in the message field.

  1. If the message has an attachment that you don't want to forward, uncheck the box next to the attachment's file name, below the Subject field.

  2. At the bottom of the message, click Send.

To forward an entire conversation:

  1. Open the conversation.

  2. In the menu bar above the conversation, click More and then click Forward all.

  3. At the bottom of the message, click Send.

    The recipient receives a single message containing all messages in the conversation, listed in order of oldest to most recent.

Print a Message

You can print a single message or an entire conversation.

To print a single message or an entire conversation:

  1. Open the message or conversation.

  2. At the upper right of the message, click the Print all icon.

    A printer-friendly version of the conversation appears.

  3. Use your web browser’s Print options to print the message.

To print a single message within a conversation:

  1. Open the conversation and select the message you want to print.

  2. In the message, click the down arrow to the right of the Reply button, and then click Print.

    A printer-friendly version of the message appears.

  3. Confirm you want to print all of the conversation and Use your web browser’s Print options to print the message.