G Suite Admins

The Google Admin Console for Enterprise Provides IT with Everything they Need to Succeed.

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | September 19, 2017

The Google Admin Console is a simple and effective solution for business tech management both for IT professionals, and non-IT leaders. The simple and streamlined nature of G Suite has prompted a misconception in the enterprise space that G Suite developments may be too simplified for their needs. In fact, some businesses believe that the Google Admin console will not provide the right degree of control and security required for enterprise-level business.

However, the truth is that the G Suite admin console is currently the most powerful solution available for IT admins. It provides administrators with the comprehensive services they need in everything from billing to user creation and management while offering the simplicity they need for better workstream management. G Suite Enterprise, the latest update from Google is specifically designed for the Enterprise space.


Introducing Google Admin Console for Enterprise

The G Suite Admin login center is a comprehensive space that combines Google Drive, Gmail, and many of the other essential elements provided by Google. A solution for ongoing productivity, the G Suite Admin panel allows for the management of preferences, user information, and settings. Intended to allow Google Admins to access everything they need for app management from a single dashboard, the G Suite Admin Console allows administrators complete control over their IT needs.

When you access the Google Admin space, the dashboard may look initially simplistic. However, clicking through to the "More Controls" tab at the bottom of the page will help you to uncover new functionalities. For instance, common controls include:

  • Security and control settings: Simplified administration solutions makes it easier to manage security controls within the workspace. Add up and remove users where required, and set up SSO and two-step verification.

  • Advanced reporting and insights: Monitor complete company use of G Suite and access alerts regarding any suspicious activity. Engage in audit capabilities to view records of changes in the suite.

  • Manage users: Assign new administrator roles, allow different employees access to specific tasks within the Google Admin console, and provide certain levels of access to key users in your team.

  • Configure apps: Select Google apps and services throughout your network and configure settings as required. For instance, this might include Drive, Calendars, Gmail, and so on.

From the Google Admin console, you can access everything you need for basic administration tasks, such as resetting passwords and examining portal health. However, you can also click through to Google Admin links on the left-hand side to access Microsoft Office 365 components like Skype for Business, Exchange, SharePoint, Yammer, and so on.


Upgrading Security with the G Suite Admin Console

Just this year, Google announced some brand-new features to help make G-Suite Admin login features even more appealing to Enterprise customers. By updating their features, Google has transformed their Admin space into an ever-more effective solution for Enterprise users. For instance, here are just some of the latest benefits of the Google Admin console:

  • Mobile Management: As the enterprise space becomes increasingly diverse, mobile management features that allow you to use the Google Admin app on your tablet or smartphone can make life easier for enterprise IT experts. You can now transfer data seamlessly from the Android app, just as you would on the web-based solution. You can even import and deploy various Android devices at the same time, assigning asset tags and filtering devices to perform bulk actions. Everything you need to keep track of your employees and their devices can be accessed from the Audit section of the G-Suite Admin console.

  • Ensure Data loss prevention: Google announced DLP for email in 2015, with a range of advanced customization options such as OCR image scan recognition and so on. Today, DLP is available in Google Drive too, making it simpler for admins to secure their most sensitive data, controlling what can be accessed to protect users from accidentally sharing confidential data.

  • User password recovery via email: Today's Google Admin console allows administrators to set up a system where users can reset their passwords independently using a recovery phone number or email address. They can then reset passwords using 2-step verification solutions. If you're running "Single Sign-on" this feature will not be available.

  • Custom user attributes: The upgraded G Suite admin console allows administrators to create and view attributes for users directly from their console interface. With these custom attributes, they can specify which data they want to record, and control whether you'd prefer to make information public to people within a specific network, or private to individual users or other Google Admins.

  • Third-party email archiving: Thanks to the "Google Vault" system, Enterprise Google Admins can now archive their Gmail content safely and securely, while complying with the latest regulations for audit reporting and legal hold information. That being said, some organizations now use third-party SMTP archiving solutions like Veritas and HP Autonomy. However, Google makes it easier than ever to integrate third-party solutions into the G Suite framework.

  • BigQuery and Gmail Logs: Gmail logs can be packed with plenty of useful information from the perspective of a Google Admin expert. These logs can help you to work with your team to unlock insights and diagnose potential problems in your network. Google has now made it easier for admins to access and analyze their Gmail logs through a pre-configured BigQuery integration. From the new Google Admin console, you can run high-performing and sophisticated custom queries and build your own custom dashboards.

  • Filter Emails: If you're using a non-Gmail email server, you can use the G Suite Admin console to access an SMTP relay service that routes your outgoing mail through Google. This will help you to filter any messages for viruses and spam before they meet with your external contacts.


Time to Adapt to G Suite Enterprise

Ultimately, the Enterprise version of the Google Admin console is your opportunity to explore the true premium side of Google's services. In addition to everything you would typically get in G Suite Business, Enterprise offers enhanced opportunities for control, customization, and security.

You can add extra layers of protection to your most sensitive data, scan emails for specified content, use third-party products, and analyze your Gmail logs through Big Query. Administrators can even use S/MINE encryption, require security keys for sign-ins, and automate management tasks for mobile users through the setting of custom rules.

Overall, the G Suite admin console gives administrators in the enterprise space access to everything they need for reduced cost of ownership, more freedom at work, and better solutions for scale and speed. It's no wonder that 3 million happy businesses are all using G Suite to improve their collaboration framework.