G Suite Admins

G Suite Admins: Do you have the Google's OAuth domain key enabled?

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | August 8, 2016

Here at Coolhead Tech, we cover a lot of topics around Google Apps and being an Apps Admin. In this post, we'll be discussing the Google Apps OAuth domain key, another important topic for Google Apps System Access and Authentication.

What is OAuth?

OAuth is an authorization framework that enables third-party applications to use web services. It comes in two forms: OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0, the latter of which replacing and making the former obsolete. OAuth's main use comes in the form of authentication and authorization, hence the "Auth" in its name. These come in the form of credentials that verify a user and application's identity.


In other words, it handles the security part of applications- be they web, desktop or otherwise- interacting with each other and other web services. This is obviously relevant to Google Apps System Access and Authentication, and we'll cover how those two interact now.


Why should I enable it for Google Apps?

OAuth in Google Apps is used to give internal and third-party applicatiosn access to Google APIs. This means applications used by you and your business can take advantage of Google APIs, such as Cloud Monitoring, Google Drive, CustomSearch, and other Google services. Of course, Google Apps already use these services- but enabling OAuth domain key will allow you to enable these features in other applications and clients in your domain.


How do I do that?

To enable OAuth, you'll need to head to your Admin Console. From there, go to Security, then Advanced Settings, then Authentication, then Manage OAuth domain key. Now, you'll need to click "Manage client API access" and "Authorize a new API client".


Finally, you can continue to entering your client's name and the API you want it to use. Your vendors should be able to provide the names for the client sites/apps as well as the scope/API it will have to use. If they can't, they'll need to consult Google's guide on the matter.


Check it out:

Google Apps Support: OAuth: Managing API Client Access


Anything else?

On this topic in particular, for the sake of this post? Nope. But to learn more about Google Apps System Access and Authentication, as well as other Apps Admin concerns, you should read our blog for more posts like these. We don't stop with Apps Admin stuff, either- we also discuss other cloud business platforms, like RingCentral, and even branch out into marketing and general technology.


We're Coolhead Tech, and we deal in Google Apps, RingCentral and Hubspot installations/integrations for schools and businesses. If you're located in or around the Austin, Texas area, you should contact us for a free consultation.