G Suite Admins

Google Apps Script Hackathon in Austin - Can you do this?

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | September 14, 2012
Are you going to the Google Apps Script Hackathon up at the Google Austin Office off Mopac?  I know a lot of us at the Intern in Austin event were talking about a meetup there but scheduling conflicts are keeping me in South Austin today.  If you are heading up to Google today,  here's an Apps Script Idea I could really use some help on.

Google Apps Script is a JavaScript cloud scripting language that provides easy ways to automate tasks across Google products and third party services.

As a Google Apps reseller, Apps script has developed to become a promising tool Google Apps users.  With UT and ACC having already Gone Google I'm sure there are some pretty cool scripts and Apps Script hackers around campus.

Here's what I'm looking for:  a Google Apps script that checks if an email is a Google Apps domain.  This Gist shows a pretty straight forward Python function takes a simple approach by checking a domain name to see if it uses the Google Apps MX records.

My Challenge:  Write a Google Apps Script to check if a domain is already on Google Apps.

So whether you're going to the Apps Script Hackathon today (and if you can, you should!) or you're already a Google Apps Script master let me know what you've done or can do.  I'm curious as to how helpful this scripting language can be for Google Apps customers.

What cool things have you done or are doing with Google Apps Script or Javascript?