G Suite Admins

What Does Google's New G Suite Mean for the Mid-Market?

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | October 4, 2016

During the past few years, Google has pushed hard to make its cloud-based suite of office products a major player in mid-market enterprise technology . The company re-enforced that commitment last week at the Horizon Conference in San Francisco with their latest re-branding campaign. With the move from Google Apps to G Suite and Google Cloud, Gogle showed a renewed focus on helping people work the way that we live today.


Google's shift in branding late last week represented a new milestone in the company's mission to expand its mobility, collaboration, data, and analytic tools to mid-market companies. Google Cloud, and now GSuite, are designed to be long-lasting solutions for for mid-market firms who want to deploy their products and services all across the world through teams, not just individuals. To make this happen, Google promised to offer unprecedented engineering support on multiple levels.


New Brand Priorities for Google Cloud


Diane Greene, Google cloud's chief who came to the company a year before this announcement, said during the conference last Thursday that their cloud's line of products and services would, "blow customers away." Google designed G Suite technologies to be scalable on demand, meaning mid-market companies could take advantage of strong growth opportunities on the fly.


One of the biggest priorities for G Suite developers during the branding shift was to let customers know that Google "gets" them. They showed off this new branding image through five key words:

  • Simple - speaking to people like people
  • Smart - respect for customers' intelligence
  • Surprising - let customers be blown away by products
  • Fun - keep things light without undermining brand power
  • Useful - not about selling but providing something useful

Helping mid-market companies realize that Google has grown far beyond a simple Internet search engine and advertising company was a clear part of this new branding campaign. In fact, Greene repeatedly stated how serious Google was about providing powerful enterprise technologies during interviews with multiple tech magazines and blogs. She also wanted customers to know that G Suite could be more than just a powerful tool for individuals, but a technology that facilitated collaboration and communication across continents.


Better Communication and Collaboration with GSuite.


Google recognized that the technology needs of mid-market companies expanded dramatically over the past few years, and G Suite and other Google Cloud products were designed to match those needs. Even the smallest mid-market companies often require communications with clients or partners worldwide, so providing effective solutions was absolutely crucial.


The intelligent apps in G Suite, including Google Drive, Gmail, GMeetings and calendar were all developed to facilitate real-time communication between people in all parts of the world.


One of the more exciting announcements for G Suite that benefited mid-market businesses was the ability for drives to be shared by teams. In the past, drive allowed users to shared individual files, but the platform was mostly used on an individuals basis. Team collaboration using a single drive was developed to give larger companies the ability to work and communicate through a single portal.


Intelligent Software Defined Solutions from Google Cloud.


Google has been pushing its vision to create better online products using machine intelligence for at least a decade, but the announcement of G Suite emphasized its commitment to making these technologies useful to mid-market firms. These solutions included:

  • Smarter Online Storage in Google Drive. Recent research showed that Google's quick access technology allowed users to find their files 50% faster than doing manual searches. Relevant files were pushed forward by machine intelligence that analyzed information available in other parts of G Suite.

  • Smarter scheduling with Google Calendar. As contact lists grew larger in mid-market companies, so to did the difficulty of arranging meetings and appointments. By analyzing data automatically, the new smarter calendar resolved conflicts and made scheduling easier.

  • Smarter spreadsheets. G Suite developers realized that sheets users were often confused because they didn't know formulas, so the developers used machine intelligence to recognize common speech and convert it to the correct mathematical statements, democratizing the use of sheets for a wide base of users.

In addition to significant changes to office apps through G Suite, Google said they planned to open new data centers across the world in locations like London, Singapore, Sao Paulo, and Frankfurt. By offering hosting solutions and powerful cloud-based applications, focus from Google developers has clearly been on expanding into the third of the world economy that makes up mid-market companies.