G Suite Admins

Google-How the Acceleration of Ideas will Transform The Workplace by 2020

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | May 28, 2014

In this day and age, ideas are being: created, tested and brought to fruitation at a very fast pace because of the growing cloud technologies which deliver services and software over the internet. Since web-based tools are transforming how interactions are done in the workplace, people can now solve more problems easily. This report looks at how the acceleration of ideas will transform the workplace by 2020 through an in-depth research.

The following are the key findings found through the research:

  • There is a close correlation between innovation and collaboration. This means the more a workplace will collaborate, the more it will innovate and become creative.
  • Employees of all levels are encourages to come up with creative resources within corporate structures so that business can anticipate growth of grassroots innovation.
  • Employees do value the opportunity to innovate however only a small percentage of them are satisfied with all the processes of their company employs for them to follow.
  • More than 50% of the employees believe that their corporations will offer latest technology and flexible workspaces in future to achieve best workforce.
  • Less than 10% of all respondents to the research felt left behind by the pace of technological innovation. When new technologies are introduced, there is a sense of excitements in the workplace.
  • Only 12% of employees are satisfied with the technology available to them at work and would want to use the tools that they use in their personal lives.
  • Senior management lacks vision and investment and this creates a barrier to releasing the innovative potential of collaborative tools.
  • Management structures are in need to change so that they can accommodate collective creativity. Major incentives for employees to bring forward creative ideas are financial rewards and giving recognition to their achievements. If such issues are addressed, now sources of innovation can be unlocked.
  • New business contextual social networking tools will be developed so that companies can capitalize on them and nurture their employees.
  • As collaborative technologies become a catalyst of business success and innovation, the elements of IT functions and HR will integrate so that the latter can motivate employees to collaborate and innovate and the former will give an infrastructure to enable how.

The companies that will rule the coming ten years of innovation will be those who cleverly embrace the new tools of working and thinking and are able to motivate as well as reward the employees who give innovative ideas.