G Suite Admins

Keeping Up with G-Suite: How to Get on Track in Time for Google Next

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | July 18, 2018

These days, it seems as though Google is constantly releasing new and improved updates for their G-Suite productivity service. It's no big surprise really. After all, the technology world is moving at an increasingly rapid pace, with terms like "Digital Transformation" and "Experience" on everyone's lips. Bundle in the fact that we've got Google Cloud Next coming at the end of this month, and it's easy to see why some people feel as though they're racing to keep up.

So, how can you make sure that you're on track in time for the big reveals at the end of this month? Well, the easiest option is to sign up to get instant updates from the experts here at Coolhead Tech. Of course - we're a little biased. While we would love for you to stay in touch, we're also going to provide you with a selection of other options you can use to get your G-Suite information fix.

The Release Tracks

Before we cover the ways that you can keep up with Google's latest releases to G-Suite, it's worth taking a look at the update tracks available to G-Suite admins. Remember, when you sign up for G-Suite, you won't need to install any additional software upgrades to start using the features available in G-Suite. Your new features will appear automatically in your user accounts. However, if you don't want to be drowned in updates straight away, you do have the option to delay when new appear on G-Suite.

For instance, there are two scheduled release tracks available. The first option is the "rapid release track" which covers new features as soon as they release to the public. Features are instantly tested for quality assurance, so you know you're going to get a good experience. The alternative option is the "scheduled" release track. In this case, your users get new features about one week after release. This is great if you've got a team that needs a little more prep before they take on G-Suite changes.

Now, let's look at how you can catch up with the G-Suite news.

  1. See Release Information on the G-Suite Calendar

  2. Keep Up with Google's Blog Posts

  3. Follow Google on Social Media

  4. Review the Google Newsletter

  5. Dive Into the "What's New" Section

Just like you, Google likes to keep track of what it's got coming up in the rest of the year. That means that it's got a calendar packed full of information about some of the latest and greatest releases on the market. You'll notice when you head over to the calendar that each update is highlighted in its own specific color. These colors have certain meanings. For instance:

  • Green indicates a scheduled release

  • Red indicates a rapid release feature

  • Yellow shows off newsletter announcements, design changes, and so on

  • Blue highlights resource releases, like training materials

Depending on what you want to hear about, you can click on the + Google Calendar section at the bottom of the screen to subscribe to one or more calendar options. For most companies, it'll be best to choose between rapid, or "scheduled" releases. After you're subscribed, you can start viewing G-Suite information whenever you log onto your Google calendar. Simple!

Pretty much every company online today has their blog - and Google is no exception. If you're looking for all the latest updates on G-Suite and the Google journey in general, then you can add the blog to your bookmarks, subscribe by email, or sign up for an RSS feed.

The great thing about the Google blogs is that they're not only fantastically well-written, they're also packed full of useful and actionable information too. Along with the latest news from G-Suite, you can also find additional guides and helpful info on the G-Suite blog to help you get started on your cloud journey.

If you're less of a blog reader and more of a social media lover, then you can always follow G-Suite on social streams like Twitter and Facebook to get your updates. The social stream includes plenty of great content, including videos and case studies, so you'll never run out of things to check out. Google also has a pretty strong presence on Google+, so don't miss that platform out if you're looking for the latest news.

One point worth noting for G-Suite admins in search of an expert community is that you can visit the Cloud Connect Community on Google to discuss G-Suite topics with other CIOs, CTOs, and cloud experts. Think of it as your own mini social network.

If you're less worried about getting the newest releases and updates as they happen, and you're more concerned about making sure that you don't miss out on anything important, then you can always consider checking out the G-Suite newsletter. Depending on your preference, you can either sign up to get the newsletter sent directly to your email address, or you can add the link above to your bookmarks and check it whenever you like.

The newsletter recap covers everything that happened during a particular month. For instance, say you've been on vacation, and you want to make sure that you didn't miss anything important during May, you can go to the newsletter, click on the May section, and check out all of the releases and updates that happened in that month.

The newsletter is available either as a downloadable PDF or as a Google doc.

If you want to dive into the details of the latest G-Suite updates, then the best place to do that is in the "What's New" section on the support Google website. If you're looking for something specific, you can type a keyword into the search bar, or look for a specific item in a drop-down menu instead.

There's also an "Upcoming Releases" page on Google to help you out if you're trying to get ahead of the game a little. This page doesn't come with much solid information, as Google doesn't always know when new releases appear, but it's a great way to build up your hype if you're excited about events like Google Cloud Next!

Ready for What's Next?

Ultimately, there's no shortage of ways to keep track of G-Suite changes if you're looking for a way to stay up-to-date in time for Google Next! Of course, the friendly team here at Coolhead Tech are ready to help you out if you need a little extra assistance with anything, or you just want to make sure that you're prepared for the latest changes. Reach out today and let's see how we can help.