G Suite Admins

Known Issues: 4 Problems in the Google Apps Admin Panel

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | November 19, 2013

At some point in time, any program encounters issues or bugs that are inconvenient at best for the users of these pieces of software, and this happens to even the best of the best.  Google Apps encounters a number of issues that we are aware of. Meanwhile, we felt the need to bring to light three Google Apps admin panel problems that many people are currently running into to help keep you informed. 

Unavailable Advanced DNS Settings

Thousands of people use our services everyday to sign up and maintain domain names and to host their websites. A new problem has surfaced as of late that may directly impact some users of these services we offer. We are aware that some users are no longer able to access "Advanced DNS Services" which is usually available via "Domain Settings." We realize how big of a problem this can be, especially for those who are just setting up their domains and websites, customizing them to your specific needs. The Google APps team is currently working hard to come up with a plausible long-term solution to this newly developed issue. 

Domain Aliases Continue Receiving MX Validation Prompt

It has recently been brought to our attention of a small cosmetic flaw in the Google apps Admin panel that we are looking into diligently to reprimand and straighten out. This error occurs directly within the admin console when a user is using domain Aliases. It appears the even after allowing an entire 24 hours for the MX record propagation to commence, the system still asks for a form of MX validation via a cosmetic popup. Google is aware of this issue and will have this resolved as quickly as possible. It should be noted, however, that everything else in this process is still functioning properly, with mail flow working as it should. 

"Pending Review" Status is Shown in Email Log Search Pertaining to Group Emails

A neat feature Google Apps offers is the ability to send customized emails to specified groups of people, all at the same time, the exact same message. This has come in handy for many of our Google Apps customers, and as of late we have become aware that part of this function appears to be malfunctioning. When an individual uses the Email Search Log to locate group messages, the wrong status will often be displayed, saying only "Pending Review." This only appears to happen when a group address is used as one of the search criteria in the log search, so an easy workaround is to search by message-ID instead of group address. 

Hangouts Users Receiving Error Message

One final Google Apps issue that we are aware of and are looking into has to do with Google Hangouts. Currently, users are unable to access the Hangouts interface due to an error message they are currently faced with. The error message: "Sorry, our servers have encountered an error, please try calling again. Reason Code: 15."

We have a workaround that can help access Hangouts while Google fixes the Hangout problem in the meantime. First, log into your control panel and click on the settings tab. Next, locate the Talk tab on the left-hand side and disable hangouts. Save your changes before scrolling down to the Additional Services area and enabling both "Allow users to place video calls from chat to chat users" and "Allow users to place voice calls from chat to chat users". Save your changes again and re-enable hangouts. 

Again, these are all issues that have been brought to our attention, and are all issues Google is working on as quickly as possible to resolve.  If you are experiencing any of these issues with your Google Apps Domain, patience is key here.  As always, if you notice any other problems or issues with our services don't hesitate to contact the proper support person and let us know. Customer satisfaction is what we strive for, and being aware of any problems you are experienced is key to keeping satisfaction levels high.