G Suite Admins

Top Known Issues With Google Apps from May 2016

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | June 8, 2016

With the May update, Google Apps introduced new APIs and features. In this article, we'll be covering the most prominent issues with Google Apps as of May 2016's update. 

24 Hour Delays to SSO Setting Changes

SSO, or single sign-on, is an authentication process that lets you use one username/password for multiple apps. With the latest Apps update, changes to these seetings in your domain can be delayed by 24 hours, and since there's no workaround currently available, you'll just need to wait for Google's engineers to fix the problem.


Templates Not Showing In Gallery After Submission

In Google Drive and Documents, templates aren't showing up after being submitted to the gallery. Attempting to resubmit doesn't work. In order to work around the issue, you need to create a copy of the original document, change the sharing settings to something more public (domain-restricted, for instance), and then resubmit the template. If you aren't willing to do that, you'll need to wait for it to be fixed.


Hangouts "Party Is Over" Bug For Recurring Meetings

A strangely specific Hangouts bug has sprung up with this update. When people schedule multiple Calendar events with the same Hangouts video call link, that call will only be available to external invitees to the first call. If someone who wasn't in the first call tries to join after an invite, they'll receive a "This party is over" message, and won't be able to continue. A quick workaround is simply changing the name of the meetings in Google Calendar.


Hangouts Not Working With Certain Contacts

For Hangouts conversations, conversations that have no messages and have been idle for 10 days don't work. Users trying to contact people in this category won't be able to, and there is unfortunately no workaround available at the time of writing.


GAMME Not Working Properly With IMAP Migrations

GAMME, or Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange, is a tool that allows users to migrate email, contacts and other information from Microsoft Exchange, PST files and IMAP servers. Currently, GAMME is having trouble keeping specified start and end dates when migrating mail from an IMAP server. In these cases, GAMME will accidentally migrate al of the emails in the source account. There is currently no fix for this issue.


More On Google Apps

Here at Coolhead Tech, we're a qualified Google Apps for Work Partner operating in Austin, Texas. If you need assistance with Google Apps or other cloud solutions, feel free to contact us for a free consultation. You can also read our blog for the latest news in cloud computing and Google Apps.