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One Way the Cloud Changes Nothing

Cloud computing--even the name sounds like something lofty and impressive doesn't it? The cloud is the in place to be this year. Every major computing and software company is offering your business a place in the cloud. There are some real benefits.

The fact is that cloud computing offers you benefits such as the ability to share and collaborate on the fly, to allow all of your employees to log in from the internet and it is slightly more cost effective than the old mainframe computing methods.

Does the cloud really offer you other benefits such as increased and improved security and all of the things that people tell you that it does? That depends on what you're expecting from it. The facts are often quite different than the expectation.

The cloud is being touted as the next best thing to pockets and peanut butter. While it does offer a vast array of benefits for the customer, there are a few things that simply do not change whether you are computing in the cloud or on a physical computer.

There is a myth, or a hype that is associated with cloud computing services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and Box.   That myth tells the user that somehow their cloud service has the magical powers of file regeneration. It doesn't.

The one thing above all others that is most surprising to the cloud computing user--is the deletion of files. Whether you are in the cloud or you are on a virtual server--or you're on a physical server in Hoboken New Jersey, if you trash that file, your file is---still-- quite gone. It doesn't stick around waiting to be recovered just because you're in the cloud.

Those of you who have ever used Dropbox and Google mail know that if you delete something in one of those venues and don't have backup, the file is gone. It doesn't come back, it stays gone. That fact is precisely the same as if you were to delete a file on your computer or in your email software.

The same holds true of the myth that all cloud computing is inherently more secure of that it simply cannot be breached. We do see those breaches. They are less common, but they do happen.

The security of your cloud computing is probably no greater or less than that of your system server--with one exception. The downloads and emails that come in on your computer are scanned only if you or your system scan them. Most cloud computing venues do have built in software that does cover incoming files and may prevent you from downloading or executing specific types of virus software.

While cloud computing has some very distinct advantages for the small to large business owner, it is not a magic pill that can cure all of the evils of the computing world, yet. Your files are just as deleted and your corrupted files are still just as corrupted. You can still pass out your password and compromise your company security if you're not careful about what you are doing.

The cloud does have some massive benefits, afford some wonderful uses, and changes a lot for the business world. Sadly, it is still not a cure for human errors.