G Suite Admins

RingCentral Updates for July 2016

Written by Joey Allen (G Suite Apps Admin) | August 7, 2016

Here at Coolhead Tech, we specialize in covering the latest in cloud applications for businesses and schools. Today, we'll be covering all the latest updates for RingCentral, one of the most prominent cloud VoIP/PBX solutions available on the market today.


What's Been Updated?

Plenty of the new features being added are added as updates to the following applications:

  • RingCentral Web Application. The main RingCentral web application will receive updates to the user interface alongisde improved search and navigation capabilities.

  • RingCentral Meetings. RingCentral Meetings sees the addition of Rooms and Room connector, which we'll expand upon below.

  • RingCentral Glip. Glip is a digital workspace solution, and it's receiving a new iOS application, administrative controls and other features.

  • RingCentral Global Office. Global Office is now capable of dialing local numbers and doing in-region calling within 24 countries. It's also receiving two new Skype and Dropbox implementations, which we'll elaborate on below.


Brand New Features/Implementations

Here, we're going to expand on the new features/implementations being added, regardless of whether or not they're tied to a pre-existing part of RingCentral.

  • Automatic Call Recording can now be enabled for all inbound and outbound calls. This is useful for a variety of purposes, especially customer service agencies.

  • Rooms and Room Connector for Meetings offer the ability to add web conferencing services to pre-existing conference room equipment. The requirements are an iPad, Mac, camera, monitors and speakers: all common parts of a conference room. The Room Connector feature allows participants from people using desktops and smart devices via a pre-existing H.323/SIP conference room system.

  • Skype Business integration for Global Office allows people to make/receive calls, send SMS and perform other RingCentral functions within a Skype for Business application.

  • Dropbox integration for Global Office can be used to automatically backup and store RingCentral records of things like voicemails, call recordings, faxes and text messages. Once these things are stored by Dropbox, they can be accessed from any computer that has access to that account.


Any other RingCentral News?  YES!    A User Conference!

In addition to new features, RingCentral is also offering a ConnectCentral RingCentral User Conference. Registering for this conference will provide educational insights into the workings of RingCentral and how to better utilize it for you and your business.  Register Now for this conference and we'll see you there.


RingCental also also offers Professional Consulting services, which can be utilized by any business that needs assistance through major changes. This includes, for instance, implementing RingCentral in the first place.


For more on RingCentral, Google Apps and other cloud-based business applications, stick around here on Coolhead Tech. Stay with our blog for regular posts like this one, and contact us if you're part of a business in or around Austin, Texas that's ready to make a change.