G Suite Admins

The 3 Best Predictions for Google Apps in 2014

Written by Christopher Alghini (Google Cloud Consultant) | January 8, 2014

The constant innovation of Google Apps is the biggest benefit over Microsoft Office. Every year Google releases a tranche of new features and improvements in Google Apps. Coming out with new features, however, is only one part of the equation when it comes to success in the Cloud. Central to Google's success is having a thriving community of third-party developers, resellers and local service providers like Coolhead Tech.  2014 is a brand new year for the Google Apps team.  Building upon the successes of the previous year the channel is well poised to serve the exponential SMB and Enterprise Cloud use predicted for 2014.

1. Rise of the Apps Admins

In 2014, As Cloud adoption becomes commonplace, IT Departments and businesses will better recognize the need for Apps Admins and provide them with the resources and buying power they need to succeed.  Advanced Apps Admins will be in high demand by the end of the year.

In Spring 2013 we offered our first Apps Admin Internship at Campus2Careers citywide Intern in Austin fair.  Surescore and C2C do a great job with these events which are true to Austin. We love their "no bling" and low entry fee for employers.  And it works, we've always been able to find top programmers and Hubspot interns.

Applications and Talent for Apps Admin Interns Tripled in 2013.

Over the years I've seen a growing interest in our cloud focused IT position but I wasn't prepared for last spring's Intern in Austin fair. We received over 100 applications for a single, part time position as Apps Admin. These were no summer slackers, the opportunity interested them and they saw the growing needs of business to migrate and manage cloud services like Google Apps.


We ended up hiring a team of 6 Apps Admins from UT, Texas State and ACC.  As part of a global outreach for Google Apps, Ankita Sachan from Kanpur Institute in India joined us as Apps Admin via Google Hangout.   

Growing Cloud Needs for Growing Businesses

Naysayers will say  “Google Apps is too simple, I need my office” or  “Our business/needs/complexity is too important for Google Apps”  Here’s some Texas sized advice: “Google Apps is as simple as you need it to be and as powerful as you make it.”

The All-in-One Specialist - Google Apps Admins aren’t just specialists in Google Apps, they’re programmers, Business Analysts and marketers.  They've got a passion for Cloud, Business and people.

There are a lot of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Apps and devices for Google Apps now. Apps Admins effectively use tools like Google Apps Script to simplify solutions by building mini apps that interact with products like Google Apps, Calendar, Drive, and Gmail.


Google Apps Admins are also helping business with

  • Providing backup, security and monitoring of Google Apps Domains
  • Creating business and marketing automation and workflows with Google Drive & Docs
  • Integrating traditional software, marketplace apps and Javascript


2. It's Happy Hour for Apps

In 2014 online collaboration extends outside of the office.  Businesses start sharing documents and spreadsheets with clients, partners and others. Linkedin and Google+ get the job done and the Social enterprise is born. Business Cheers the Cloud.

The success of Google Business Apps has helped to grow a large community of innovative, forward thinking businesses that are actively collaborating online from anywhere.


Like all professionals these innovative professionals network within their field and their local communities to share tips, collaborate on projects and to promote business-to-business sales and strategies.


Collaboration and Innovation with Google Apps has grown exponentially.  Now Businesses are sharing docs and spreadsheets directly with clients and partners. B2B collaboration is already starting to propel the early SMB Cloud adopters to the next level.


Google Apps Users are forming their own networking groups and meeting up. Meetups like this Google Apps group in New York City are sponsored by the Cloud Alliance for Google Apps among others to discuss best practices, troubleshoot pain points and extend member expertise. These meetups are informal events that allow developers to meet their colleagues and are hosted by Google Apps Resellers, Marketplace vendors  and others. 


In Austin, London and New Delhi it’s Happy Hour for Apps to provide a casual, relaxed atmosphere for business owners, C-suite executives and Cloud techies to network in.  The topic of the night at these Happy Hours? B2B Collaboration and partnerships in the Cloud.  In 2014, It’s the beginning of the Social Enterprise online and in real life.  

3.  It's Go Time for Everyone Else

In 2014 businesses using standalone and traditional email servers will scramble to catch up in productivity and sales to those businesses that use collaborative tools like Google Apps .

I can appreciate that some businesses need to take a wait and see approach to technology.  There is risk in new technology but this isn’t new technology, it’s proven technology, it’s accepted technology and it’s cost effective technology.

The time to wait on this trend is over.   

SMB Cloud trends are poised to have an exponential impact on the business world in 2014.  Businesses that can't accept this change are at risk of being left behind or worse, failure.  

Make it a priority to talk with your team and partners about making this fundamental change to your business communications and transform your business in 2014.