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Everyone knows that the heart of your business is your contacts. Your visitors or anyone who interacts with your business are automatically saved as a contact because they are your potential customers. In order to grow your business, you have to actively engage with your contacts.
With HubSpot Marketing tools, you can engage with your contacts.
Get started with conversations - One of the marketing tools to freely engage with your contacts is the Conversations tool. This tool helps your team view, manage and respond to incoming messages across multiple channels and sort which messages are sent via email address, Facebook, or your website in one unified inbox.
Create chatflows - Create a real-time conversation through chatflow to directly connect with visitors with your team members. This live chat appears as a widget displayed on website pages where in you can lead your visitors on a pricing page or knowledge base articles to someone on your team.
Create forms - In HubSpot, you can easily create, edit, customize and publish forms to add to your HubSpot pages or external site. These forms are useful when gathering information about your visitors and contacts.
Create your personas - Create and edit personas in your HubSpot account in order to target and categorize your contacts.
Create and send marketing emails - Create and send marketing emails in the classic email editor tool to stay connected with active subscribers. Send marketing emails to your contacts with content that resonates them.
Create active or static lists - Create, edit, and use lists in HubSpot with the lists tool. This tool allows you to create active and static lists of contacts or companies based on property values and other characteristics.
Create and publish social posts - With HubSpot's social tool, you can create, edit and publish social posts to promote your blog content or landing page offers on social media. This tool allows you to increase website traffic and acquire SEO benefits.
Now that you are knowledgeable with the different marketing tools made possible to engage with your contacts, let Apps Admins help you get the most out of HubSpot. Reach your full potential by learning the step-by-step creation process! See how it's like with a 14-Day Free Trial.