Google Workspace Business Free for 30 Days
Sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial of Google Workspace Business and get Free Admin support from Google Certified Deployment Specialists.

We at AAC believe in cloud-based training and development from start to finish. For those of us who are new to the cloud, we've decided to gather some step-by-step information on "How to Sign Up for Google Workspace".
If you want to skip this and sign up for a Google Work Space free trial with Apps Admins . Feel free to refer to our recent blog article Google Work Space Free Trial Registration Walk-through
Now... Back to the Basics!
You'll need 3 key pieces of information to sign up for Google Work Space.
Key 1. Domain name
This will be used as the primary domain for your Google services, for example . You can use a domain name you already own. Or, we can help you purchase a new domain during the sign-up process. You can check out a domain provider of your preferences or choose Google Domains 2 Username to use with Google Work Space services that is associated to your Domain.
Key 2. Username
You’ll use this Username with your own password to sign in to your Google Work Space account and manage services for your organization. You’ll also use it as your email address (if you’re using Gmail), and with all your other Google Work Space services.
Key 3. An email address that's not in your Google Work Space domain
This email address will be used as a recovery email. This will be used for the recovery process.
After you sign up, we'll take you to your Google Admin console where you can verify domain ownership by going to your DNS records. (if you signed up an existing domain) and continue setting up services for your users.
If you are new to the cloud and want to know how to maximize your business productivity with Google Work Space. Contact Apps Admins and get growing!