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Happy Woman Crush Wednesday! Here in Apps Admins, we’re all about women’s empowerment. Yes, you heard that right! This weekly lady boss feature will focus on the profiles, stories, and interviews of women entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our goal is to connect and inspire like-minded women across all industries.
Today's lady boss is Elaine Welteroth, who happens to be a New York Times Best Selling Author. She's also an award-winning journalist and a judge on the new Project Runway, according to ellainewelteroth.com.
She was appointed the youngest Editor-in-Chief at a Conde Nast publication and is now a leading expert and advocate for the next generation of change-makers.
She authored More Than Enough, her debut book, that became an instant bestseller in 2019. And it tells its readers to own their identities and be proud of who they are.
On the website, elainewelteroth.com, you'll find more about this amazing Lady Boss. You are going to love the interviews that are featured there that will make you love her even more.
Do you know other lady bosses that you want to be featured in our weekly edition of Woman Crush Wednesday blogs? Please let us know in the comments below.
"Elaine Welteroth" elainewelteroth, n.d. https://www.elainewelteroth.com/. Accessed 13 May 2021.