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WCW Lady Boss Weekly Feature: Kerry Munz
Happy Woman Crush Wednesday! Here in Apps Admins, we’re all about women’s empowerment. Yes, you heard that right! This weekly lady boss feature will focus on the profiles, stories, and interviews of women entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our goal is to connect and inspire like-minded women across all industries.
Today's lady boss is Kerry Munz, VP of Engineering in Hubspot, passionately leading talented individuals towards their goal. She believes in the importance of stepping back occasionally to evaluate how things were done and see if there are areas that they can improve on.
She believes that in order to be successful, one must be committed on getting effective feedback regularly as awareness makes you prepared with what you have to work on. According to her, here are a few of the questions that she believes can help anyone who is looking to grow:
1. Where have I had the most impact this month from your perspective?
2. What do you think it would look like for me to be twice as good at what I do, or for this project to go twice as well?
3. What would a mediocre [insert your role here] do each day? What would a great one do?
4. If you were away for a month, what do you fear would get dropped, stall, or fail?
5. Where do you see me get stuck most often?
6. What would I need to learn or improve to take on a project like X? How would you know I was ready?
7. You’re exceptional at X. How did you get so good at this?
8. What’s your biggest challenge?
In an article from Hubspot, she explained why she believes these questions could help. Here's the link: https://product.hubspot.com/blog/eight-questions-to-ask-your-manager-to-get-better-feedback
Simple recommendation with a great impact on your career, get feedbacks regularly so you'd know where you can improve on. That's how Kerry Munz became a Lady Boss. Hope you find her advice helpful.
Do you know other lady bosses that you want to be featured in our weekly edition of Woman Crush Wednesday blogs? Please let us know in the comments below.
Kerry Munz. "Hubspot, Eight Questions to Ask in Your Next One-on-One to Get Better Feedback,
28 Oct. 2020,https://product.hubspot.com/blog/eight-questions-to-ask-your-manager-to-get-better-feedback.