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Happy Woman Crush Wednesday! This weekly lady boss feature will focus on the profiles, stories, and interviews of women entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our goal is to connect and inspire like-minded women across all industries.
This week’s lady boss feature is Arlan Hamilton, Founder of Backstage Capital. In this video, we discover Arlan's amazing rags-to-riches story where she started from basically nothing to becoming a venture capitalist pioneer. Arlan has invested in over a hundred tech companies led by women, people of color and LGBT founders.
Arlan Hamilton started a venture capital firm Backstage to begin to close the gap between men and women of color versus anyone else. Her vision is not to become a gatekeeper, but a keymaker.
If you're interested in knowing more about how Arlan Hamilton Went From ‘Really Broke’ To Founding A Multi-Million Dollar Venture Capital Fund, watch the full video with Business Insider below.
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