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Happy Woman Crush Wednesday! This weekly lady boss feature will focus on the profiles, stories, and interviews of women entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our goal is to connect and inspire like-minded women across all industries.
This week’s lady boss feature is Erin Bury, a marketer, tech expert, and entrepreneur who was named one of Marketing Magazine’s top 30 Under 30. She is the CEO & Co-founder at Willful, an online estate planning platform for today’s generation. Prior to Willful, Erin was a Managing Director at comms firm Eighty-Eight, and Founding editor at startup publication BetaKit. She is passionate about web startups and new technologies.
Willful is a Toronto based startup building the online estate planning platform that helps Canadians create their will and power of attorney documents online and from the comfort of their homes. The company’s mission is to make it easier, convenient, and affordable to prepare for and deal with death in a digital age.
Erin Bury is also an advisor to startups Quill, Pawzy, and Pressed News. In her spare time, she runs a side hustle called The County Wine Tours, a bicycle wine tour company based in Prince Edward County. She is also a board member for Save the Children Canada and a member of the #Tech4SickKids Advisory Council for SickKids Hospital.
If you're interested in knowing more about Willful, watch the start up pitch contest by Erin Bury in full video with Finance Montreal below.
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