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Google Chromebooks have made a large impact on the world of computing as a whole, judging by their surprisingly large sales value. While fans of Apple and Microsoft may be shocked that users would be willing to forgo native applications entirely (on OSX and Windows) in favor of what's essentially a Web-only machine, Google assumed (correctly) that most of a user's computer needs can be met online, and in the case of most of the mass market, all of their needs can be met by Chrome OS.
Outside of enthusiast circles, however, Chromebooks are also making a significant impact on education. The reasons behind this are numerous, but let's first discuss the primary reasons: the value offered by Chromebooks.
The Value of the Chrome Operating System
Chromebooks lack a traditional operating system, meaning that for certain enthusiast markets- like hardcore gamer or computer professionals - the Chromebook doesn't offer the software they need. In its place, Chrome offers Chrome OS- a distribution of Linux that offers limited local (on-system) applications, with most of the content being hosted over an Internet connection, including the Internet browser the experience is named after- Google Chrome.
Chrome OS is unique- it offers all the main features that most users need, and it does so while being incredibly lightweight. Windows and OSX are spending large amounts of system resources on things aside from what you're using in the moment, but with the combination of Linux and Chrome OS, the system requirements for a smooth user experience go down drastically. Lower system requirements means cheaper hardware, which leads to cheaper prices for users.
The Low Cost, High Value of Chromebooks for Schools
This makes Chromebooks for education a no-brainer. A big issue with education- particularly American education- is a lack of funding. Expecting a school to afford all the latest, greatest top-of-the-line laptops and desktops is very difficult. Chromebooks are comparatively significantly cheaper, all while offering all the main features needed in a classroom, plus features that enhance the classroom experience via Google Workspace (G Suite).
Google Workspace (G Suite) assists the classroom experience in its own way by offering sharing and collaboration suites on Google Drive. Unlike other office solutions frequently consulted in schools, Google Drive allows real-time collaboration and, due to its cloud-hosted nature, allows students and teachers alike to access it anywhere, whether they're at home or at school. Chrome OS is a vessel for Google Workspace (G Suite) - this App benefist education greatly if used properly, making Chromebooks for education a good match for yet another reason.
Of course, you don't need to take our word for it. See what Google has to say about Chromebooks for education, or see what other people are saying about it too. According to a white paper from the IDC, Chromebooks are cost-effective, reliable and efficient. The white paper discusses all the economic benefits of Chromebooks in education (in much greater detail than this article), and if you're interested in seeing all of the statistics and research done, you're more than welcome to check it out here.
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