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Many companies find that investing in inbound marketing strategies and software, such as Hubspot, doesn't mean revenues will instantly rise exponentially on their own. Hubspot and other marketing apps are great tools, but they do not replace the need to have someone with the time, knowledge and talent to use the tools wisely. Marketing is a dynamic process. Regardless of how great your marketing app is, it's never going to be a "set it and forget it" process. Are you getting the most out of your marketing app? Are you reaping the rewards of your investment? If you are unsure, the answer is most likely "no." Do you need a marketing Apps Admin? yes.
1. You have great Marketing Ideas, but They Aren't Getting Implemented.
You have a strategy in mind. You know the importance of marketing automation, email marketing, customer relationship management, social media and analytics, but you haven't implemented an effective, comprehensive strategy yet. A Marketing Apps Admin will ensure that strategies are implemented, monitored and tweaked as needed to get you the most ROI. Consider just one example, email marketing. You could probably find the time to send out a weekly email to your customer and/or prospect list. However, a marketing apps admin will run A/B testing to find out what content, calls to action and format work best. Your Admin will monitor open and click-through rates, tweaking your message with each new communication. Seeking the help of an Apps Admin doesn't mean you lack knowledge about marketing. It means you can focus on the big picture. Let your Marketing Apps Admin take your ideas and put them into action.
2. You have traffic, but not many leads.
This scenario happens for one basic reason. Visitors are not finding what they want on your website. First, ask yourself if you are contributing enough educational content. Inbound marketing is all about providing content that brings leads to you. Visitors are often looking for educational content that helps them make safe, smart purchase decisions. Provide this content within your landing pages via eBooks, whitepapers, tip guides, infographics or videos.
Research shows that companies see a 55 percent increase in leads by just increasing the number of landing pages from 10 to 15. Let your Marketing Apps Admin ensure that you have fresh, relevant content to attract visitors and turn them into leads.
3. You have a lot of leads, but no customers.
There are multiple reasons this could be happening. Are you finding the wrong leads? Is your definition of the ideal persona off? Are you simply not conveying the benefits of the product well enough? Your marketing apps admin can dig deep, help you identify the cause and strategize about a solution. For example, your admin can A/B test landing pages to ensure they are optimized for conversion. Sometimes not making the sale is just a matter of timing. The admin can watch the analytics of your key audiences to make sure your content reaches them at the right time.
Social media conversion rates are 13 percent higher than the average lead conversion rate. Let your admin monitor your social media content so your efforts are aimed to give you the most ROI. A successful inbound marketing campaign is about more than simply writing a weekly blog and posting on social media. It requires a documented strategy for creating, publishing, monitoring and tweaking content that is designed to match your ideal buyer's journey.
Get the most out of your marketing app investment by tapping the expertise of a Marketing Apps Admin. Coolhead Tech is a leading Apps Admin service provider. Contact us to maximize your marketing app investment.