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Chronicle Moves into the Google Cloud Platform

Chronicle moves into the Google Cloud Platform

When Chronicle first emerged, it was a component of the X Moonshot Factory, designed by Alphabet, Google's parent company. Now, Chronicle has been a separate enterprise security brand for around eighteen months, giving it the freedom to move into a new strategy for growth. Specifically, Google has just announced officially that Chronicle will now be moving into the Google Cloud Platform portfolio.

What does this mean for Google users? Well, to begin with, you can expect an upgrade to the features in your security portfolio. Chronicle's products and engineering team will be shifting into the GCP, where they'll strengthen and enhance the existing security solutions that Google has to offer. 

The previous COO of security company Symantec, Stephen Gillett, made a fantastic CEO for Chronicle when it emerged as an independent company, outside of the Alphabet umbrella. However, the decision to spin out Chronicle into its own thing, rather than immediately adding it to the Google Cloud always seemed like a strange move. There's a chance that the Chronicle team were looking for an opportunity to see whether the products available like VirusTotal and the enterprise security intelligent platform could stand alone. 

It's hard to tell how well Chronicle did in the market at this point. However, now that Google is focusing even more aggressively on growing the cloud business and developing new security offerings, it seems like now could be the perfect time for the two brands to merge.

Bringing Chronicle Into the Google Cloud Platform

The CEO of Google Cloud, Thomas Kurian, wrote about the impending process of bringing Chronicle into the GCP in a blog. Kurian acknowledged that the engineering team responsible for the products at Kurian and the wide range of security solutions that the brand has to offer are a great complement to what Google Cloud can already provide. The Chronicle VirusTotal malware intelligence services, for instance, could make a powerful addition to the threat data that currently informs the Google Cloud Security offering. 

When Chronicle folds into the Google Cloud, users can expect to see its technology supporting the applications and services that are now running through Google. Additionally, Kurian noted that when deciding to bring Chronicle into the GCP mix, he saw that both Google and Chronicle were already moving in the same direction. According to Thomas, there's a good chance that we'll see a full integration of the Chronicle Security tools within the Google Cloud by the end of this fall. 

The decision to bring Chronicle and its rich selection of security analytics and intelligence capabilities into the Google Cloud makes a lot of sense. Features like virus scanning and malware detection will certainly put minds at ease in the Google community. Plus Chronicle recently launched an incredibly robust SIEM platform in April, which is sure to have an even bigger impact on your Google Cloud experience.

What to Expect from the Future?

As enterprises from all industries continue to move more of their workload into the flexible environment of the cloud, it's safe to say that people will be consistently looking for new security options. The VirusTotal service from Chronicle is going to be a powerful addition to the solutions offered by Google. Additionally, Backstory - the cloud service that allows enterprise users to analyze and upload internal security data will help with mitigating threats. 

What we don't know at this point is whether VirusTotal Backstory will continue to exist as stand-alone solutions after Chronicle and Google join forces. After all, there are many businesses out there in the technology environment that offer privately hosted and cloud versions of their tools. There's nothing necessarily stopping Google from providing additional stand-alone options of some of the tools that will be coming into the GCP. 

One thing that is certain is that Google's decision to aggressively grow its position in cloud isn't slowing down any time soon. Google's acquisition of Cask Data recently has prompted the creation of the Google Cloud Data Fusion tool. What's more, the decision to purchase Looker is sure to expand Google's Business Intelligence Capabilities too.  

Bringing Chronicle in under the Google Cloud Platform umbrella will fit nicely with Google's growing cloud strategy going forward.