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Google Cloud allows you to provide free interactive lessons to your users. The lessons cover a wide variety of topics relating to services, such as Gmail. Drive, Hangouts, Sheets and more. As a Google Admin/G Suite Admin, you can set up the G Suite Training Chrome extension to gain access to self-paced tutorials. The feature is accessible directly via your browser.
The Chrome extension creates a menu designed to work with G Suite services. The menu is compatible with the Google Admin/G Suite Admin console, Calendar, Forms, Drive and other G Suite tools. The interactive lessons are presented in an easy-to-follow way with a combination of onscreen instructions and tips. Free in-app lessons make it easier for your users to expand their knowledge about new features.
As a result, your organization can maximize usage of G Suite services in your domain. The lessons are available in a number of languages. These include:
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Japanese
- German
- Chinese
- French
- English (full support)
- Portuguese
If your company has a large staff complement, it is recommended that you install the extension from Chrome Web Store. This option allows you to deploy it directly to your domain. This also useful if your organization's users are located in different areas.
Managing The Training Experience
The G Suite Training Marketplace App enables you to customize your domain's training experience. You can install the app directly into the Google Admin/G Suite Admin console. You will be required to verify your administrator rights to complete the installation process. The training portal features a verification link for your convenience.
You can proceed to configure the training portal permissions, which are designed to control users' access to reports pages and lessons. As a Google Admin/G Suite Admin, you are granted access to all your domain's pages on the portal. Ordinary users are allowed to view support pages, videos and lessons.
G Suite Usage reports
The usage reports provide an overview of your user's activities in the portal. The page features charts that display the lessons taken by individual users. You can identify top users based on the number of lessons completed in various apps. You will gain access to the charts after your domain's users start working on the tutorials. The usage report page lists how long individual users took to complete a specific lesson.
Clicking on Show Advanced Options tab enables you to select the scope of the report based on your preference. You can opt to download the report in CSV format for offline use
Two-step verification
The G Suite training portal bolsters the security of your organization's account using the two-step verification or two-factor authentication. This option generates a passcode that must be entered when signing in to the training portal and the Chrome extension. You can enable this extra layer of security via the Settings tab.
In the event that you switch devices or disable the authentication, you can reactivate the function by clicking Reissue on the Settings page. The system generates a new QR code as part of the two-factor device enrollment.
Hiding Lessons from Training for G Suite's Admin interface.
You can control the availability of lessons based on your organization's needs. G Suite provides a simple way to hide any lessons that do not apply to your users. This means that if POP3 imports into Gmail are irrelevant to your domain's users, you can also hide lessons covering the topic. On the other hand, Classroom does not apply to business users.