G Suite Business Free for 30 Days
Sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial of G Suite Business and get Free Admin support from Google Certified Deployment Specialists.

Summer traditionally sees technology channel vendors discounting everything from processors to networking supplies. It's a busy season for IT departments as well. Taking advantage of technology discounts, summer slowdowns and Cloud savvy college interns the smart IT Director plans their biggest projects between June and September.
This summer Google Cloud partners are joining the Summer fun with aggressive discounts on seemingly everything in the eco-system making it the perfect summer to switch to G Suite or double down on your deployment by upgrading to G Suite Business.
While most of these deals are reserved for mid-size companies (300-3000) many are also available to small businesses (in fact one is reserved fewer than 100 users. In many cases Google is subsidizing the cost of migrating to G Suite by providing expertise for free or paying Google Cloud Partners $25 per user for migrations.
G Suite Deployment Advice for Migration Software from Google
FOR: | 10-250 Users |
APPS: | G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise |
EXPIRES | No End date announced |
If you fancy a summer project with meat, migrate the company to G Suite on your own. While the process is actually proven, powerful and stable, the guidance of an expert with experience has proven to be much more cost effective, even for Google. Most Google Cloud Partners now offer free G Suite Deployment Walkthroughs for new Apps Admins. It's a a deployment service run by Google for G Suite customers with 10-250 users. The deployment Adviser will provide you with a deployment plan and walk you through each step of the migration. This is an Advice/Consulting service only and provided through Google Hangouts Meet.
How to Get Free Deployment Advice: Call 1-888-Apps-211 and ask for the Free G Suite Deployment Walkthrough.
Our Top 3 G Suite Migration Software Choices
Google's Deployment Advisor will recommend the same migration software used to migrate a majority of users to G Suite -- and our number one pick for free migrations to G Suite - G Suite Migration for Microsoft Exchange (GSMME) is affectionately still referred to as GAMME by experienced migrators as it refers to the previous name of the migration tool: Google Apps Migration for Microsoft Exchange.
1. G Suite Migration for Microsoft Exchange/Lotus Notes/IMAP: COST: FREE
Google provides free migration software for IT Directors switching email servers from Exchange, Lotus Notes and most IMAP servers. While the tools are solid, the set up, configuration and management can be cumbersome for a first time Apps Admin. There are also plenty of free technical guides for migrating to G Suite using the free tools. Look to the end of this article for a link to an entire library of free e-books to migrate from any of these servers using Google's G Suite Migration Tool.
2. Bit Titan Migration Wiz COST: $15-$25 Per User
Bit Titan Migration Wiz is part of MSPComplete and offered through Managed Service Providers. This tool migrates much more than just G Suite. With BitTitan’s globally renowned MigrationWiz technology, the company modernizes cloud services delivery. BitTitan supports many cloud ecosystems including Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Dropbox, and has helped over 4 million users from over 100,000 companies spanning 125 countries adopt the cloud.
3. The Cloud Migrator COST: $8-$11 Per User
CTS delivers a complete range of Google Cloud services and their own innovative software products to millions of users including CloudMigrator for mailbox and data migration. As a Google Cloud Partner they also offer G Suite adoption and training, change management and enterprise support. Many Google Cloud Partners use this software in Managed Migrations.
Save On Remotely Managed Technical Migrations to G Suite
FOR: | 20-5,000 Users |
APPS: | G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise |
COST: | $1-$25 per user |
DISCOUNT: | $25-$50 Per User |
EXPIRES | June 30, 2017 |
Most Google Cloud Partners provide Managed Migrations. The services and level of service provided vary greatly between providers and within services you choose to purchase. For example, a Technical Only Migration will provide an engineer (usually Google Certified) to setup, configure and manage the migration software and servers. Here we'll look at Remotely Managed Technical Migrations using each of the above Software. Any known Summer discount on migrations is included.
The More Users you Migrate to G Suite the lower your per-user cost.
While businesses are seeing lower migration costs to G Suite across the board, you'll notice significant cost savings for migrating more than three hundred users to G Suite Business. Google Cloud is especially keen to mid-market companies looking to migrate from Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes or other IMAP servers. As such, Google Cloud Partners can offer additional incentives to these larger companies that are locked in Enterprise Agreements with companies such as Microsoft.
Below is a table with sample published pricing for remotely managed technical migrations performed by Google Cloud Partners. Pricing for Migrations using The Cloud Migrator are from Cloud Technology Solutions, the maker of the software. Since Google and Bit Titan do not perform remote technical migrations, we've included our own managed migration pricing provided with licensing by Google Cloud Partners. Look at the price drop at 300 mailboxes, It's cheaper to get the migration service and software than just the software.
GSMME | The Cloud Migrator | BiTTitan | |
20-300 Mailboxes | $15 | $20 | $25 |
301-500 Mailboxes | $5 | $20 | $10 |
500-999 Mailboxes | $3 | $20 | $8 |
1,000-4,999 Mailboxes | $1 | $18 | $5 |
Remotely Managed Migrations Include Software and an engineer to manage the migration software. |
Available Discounts on G Suite Licenses - AVailable from Google Cloud Partners
Google Cloud as well as Google Cloud Partners and traditional Managed Service Providers are offering G Suite Licensing and upgrades at discounted prices. Your Mileage may vary, the deals below are ones that we've been able to secure for our clients through Google Cloud Partners and Premier Partners.
We've actually seen an advantage for customers opting to work with non-premier Google Cloud Partners. Why? Massive Google Cloud Premier Partners like Accenture, Appirio and Sada Systems have over 10,000 licenses under management and may not give businesses with fewer than 750 users (large customer segment) the attention they deserve.
FOR: | New G Suite Customers: 20-5,000 Users |
APPS: | G Suite Basic and G Suite Business |
PRICE | $4/user for G Suite Basic, $8 user for G Suite Business |
DISCOUNT: | 20% OFF Year One |
EXPIRES: | June 30, 2017 |
FOR: | Existing G Suite Basic Customers*: 10-99 Users |
APPS: | Upgrade to G Suite Business |
Price: | $8 Per User |
Discount: | 20%-30% OFF Year 1. |
EXPIRES: | June 30, 2017 |
* Must have been G Suite Basic Customer before March 1, 2017 |
FOR: | Existing G Suite Basic Customers: 100-5,000 Users |
APPS: | Upgrade to G Suite Business or G Suite Enterprise |
PRICE | $9 for G Suite Business, $15 for G Suite Enterprise |
DISCOUNT: | 15- 20% OFF Year One. |
EXPIRES: | EXPIRES: August 31, 2017 |
*Must have been G Suite Basic Customer before April 1, 2017 |
Bottom Line: For the Best Cost Savings - Schedule Your G Suite Migration or Upgrade before June 30, 2017.
There is no indication that Google will extend the June 30, 2017 deadline for the Enterprise Agreement promotion for businesses with more than 300 users. In the past Google has ended promotions promptly and rarely brings back a promotion as is.
For Clarification - You do not have to migrate to G Suite before June 30 - You DO need to schedule your migration before that date and complete the migration before end of year. The nice part is that if your Enterprise Agreement is for 3 more years, you don't have to pay for Apps for 3 years and even then your first year is 20% off.
If you have any questions or want the latest scoop on these G Suite migration discounts, contact me here or on Linkedin at /in/AppsAdmin. You can also join our Google Apps Admin Group on Linkedin.