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A whitelisted domain is a domain that has been marked as trusted so that a Google Apps user can communicate and collaborate with that domain. The option to whitelist domains is a new feature that is now being offered in Google for Work Apps.
The security features offered by Google Apps keep an organization's data safe and prevent outsiders from having access. However, sometimes organizations want to collaborate with outside parties. Companies may want to be able to use Google for Work products in collaboration with other entities like vendors, clients, and partner businesses.
The whitelisted domains feature that Google Apps now offers accommodates users of Google for Work in this situation. Once a domain is whitelisted by the administrator in Google Apps, users can begin to collaborate with individuals from this trusted domain. The whitelisted domain feature offers Google Drive access and file sharing between the Google Apps user and between outside domains. Google products that can use the whitelisted domain feature include not only Google Drive, but also Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
How to whitelist domains
Domains can be whitelisted in Google Apps when an administrator is signed into the Google Admin console. From there, the administrator must click on Domains and then Whitelisted External Domains. After clicking on "Add," domains can be entered and changes must be saved.
It could take up to 24 hours of processing time after entering these domains before Google Apps users can begin collaborating with whitelisted domains via Google programs. In addition to putting whitelist domains on this list, you will also need to grant file sharing access in Google Drive to allow for file sharing between organizations.
If you decide that you no longer wish to collaborate with a particular domain via Google Apps, domains can easily be removed from the Whitelisted External Domains list. Simply go back in to the Whitelisted External Domains menu, click on X to mark domains that you wish to have removed, and save the changes.
The special features of whitelisting
Networking and collaboration are important sources of advancement and growth in business. The whitelisted domain feature makes it easier to form business partnerships that allow mutual benefit to companies and organizations.
While whitelisting domains facilitates access to organization files for Google for Work App users, the feature has been carefully designed to make access control as precise as possible. For companies that want a bit of added security, the whitelisted domains feature can be turned on or off in every organizational unit at an organization using Google for Work apps.
This means that the collaborative capabilities with other domains can be limited to only those organizational units that absolutely need to collaborate with outside parties. This feature enhances security and guarantees careful access control.
Facilitating collaboration and strengthening partnerships
The whitelisted domains feature is all about making it easier for companies to work together with other organizations to achieve common goals. Thanks to this feature, companies no longer have to struggle with complications posed by having to switch over to different interfaces or programs when doing business with outside organizations. The feature streamlines the collaboration process, allowing you and your partners to get right down to business.