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Connecting with your customers using a dynamic e-mail service is critical. Online, you have quite a few options. Two of the most common are GoDaddy Mail and Gmail. Since your business cannot function online without e-mail, you need to determine the right one based on your needs.
Both GoDaddy Mail and Gmail have the ability to connect with your customers from any computer or mobile device. However with Google apps, you can respond to customer questions, complaints and make sure you can communicate with people even after you’ve left the office for the day. Since all of your devices can be synced using Google, you will never have to worry about one device having a message on it you can’t retrieve until later.
Another common feature you will find with GoDaddy Mail and Gmail is that both allow you to utilize the professional URL of your website for your e-mail account. This can be a smarter way to set up e-mail addresses like sales@yourbusinessurl.com.
Is email uptime a concern?
The most important advantage to using Gmail for Business is that Gmail has a 99.9% uptime written into their service contract which you can read at https://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/terms/sla.html. No need to worry about messages getting stuck in your Outbox. Gmail stands behind their uptime percentage agreement by adding days to your service contract if you do experience any downtime.
Do you need business productivity apps?
Other advantages of using Gmail over GoDaddy Mail are the use of the apps attached to your account, you will be able to make more effective use of your Gmail account. This includes the ability to do powerful searches, match content up with calendars, add filters and labels and delegate e-mail more effectively.
In fact, Google suggests their apps are designed to make sure you are able to take your productivity to the next level. With a powerful, streamlined approach, you will be able to maintain organization.
Are you looking for Inbox Customization?
Customization is another important area to look at. With Gmail, priority inbox, archives and even unsending an e-mail are pluses. With the additional labs settings, things like document widgets and instantly incorporating items into your calendar are possible. The approach GoDaddy mail has tends to be on the weak side and not as customizable.
What are your cloud storage needs?
With Gmail, you also have 30 GB of powerful storage to meet your needs. This is a generous size that will allow you to transfer files and store more e-mails until the conversations are no longer relevant for your business. GoDaddy in turn has options that can exceed 50GB of storage, depending on what your needs may be.
When you are online and accessing your Gmail account, you will find you also have the ability to handle video chats in addition to voice and text chats. This means you can connect with people in just a few seconds and be certain you are the same page. You can even share documents with co-workers or customers through this feature and make sure you have backup that can be used later on, if needed.
How will you connect to your email?
Both GoDaddy Mail and Gmail connect through HTTPS by default and offer 128-bit encryption and you can use both to send and receive your e-mail through a POP3 server. There is also a two-factor authorization to connect with your account. Gmail also offers IMAP and allows multiple accounts thanks to their apps.
Ultimately, you will find the decision between GoDaddy email and Gmail with its powerful Apps may come down to preference. While Gmail utilizes Google Technology, GoDaddy’s system is based in Outlook and is part of the Office 365 setup.