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If you're keen to use top-of-the-line analytics and data metrics to grow your business, then it's worth investing in Google Data Studio. The most recent tool in the Google Analytics 360 suite, this public Beta solution pulls information from various data collection programs into a centralized single dashboard, delivering a range of streamlined interactive reports.
For the digital marketing world, analytics has always been something of a challenge. It's overwhelming, confusing, and often difficult for the average person to decipher and understand. In some cases, marketers might avoid reporting back to their clients on analytics entirely, simply because they have no idea where to get started.
Fortunately, Google now allows users from every background to create reports that their customers can understand. With Google Data Studio, organizing big data couldn't be simpler.
Introducing Google Data Studio
Available in public beta, Google Data Studio gives the average marketing expert everything they need to transform client analytics into easy-to-read and view reports, through the magic of visualization. Accessible, and shareable, Google Data Studio ensures that marketers can create attractive, customizable reports for each of their clients. You can even decide how you want the data to be presented, with charts, bar graphs, line graphs and more.
Because it's designed for marketers, Data Studio also allows users to change the colors and fonts on your report so that you can create a more consistent experience for your brand. What's more, the system allows you to pull in information from more than just the Google Analytics Platform. In fact, you can even access information from Facebook campaigns. All you need to do is put the information you need on a Google sheet, and anything can be added to your stunning Google Data Studio reports.
A fantastic addition to the Google Cloud Portfolio range of services, Data Studio designs and implements dynamic reports for a range of client needs. Because each report is dynamic, you can rest assured that every update to the data source will cause the same update within the report, so you don't have to go back and forth between versions.
Additionally, since Google Data Studio works on the same platform as Google Sheets and Google Docs, all you need to do to share the information with other members of your team is hit the share button, and you'll be ready to collaborate with multiple experts on a real-time solution for accurate reporting.
The Features of Google Data Studio
Don't have the cash to hire an in-house graphic designer for your team? You don't need one. Google Data Studio allows you to say farewell to designers for good if you want to! It's extremely appealing and clean interface ensures that anyone can design their own stunning analytical reports, regardless of whether you have design experience or not.
Through Google Analytics, marketers can connect directly to the GCP, and access a range of attractive templates to design in-depth dashboards with intuitive insights in minutes. The tool also offers users the flexibility to change gradients, fonts, and colors too. Whatever you need to change to enhance the look and feel of your dashboard, you can rest assured that Google will give you the freedom you need.
Additionally, Data Studio also allows users to choose from a range of visualization options intended to suit different types and styles of data, including pie charts, bar graphics, and other basic charts. Insert text boxes and images for unique style and annotations too! Features include:
Data transformation: Create specific metrics, dimensions, and calculations that allow you to transform and clean data without having to update or enhance raw information. The highly-functional Data Studio allows you to make the most of your analytics, by transforming them into easy-to-understand metrics and values.
Data Connections: Combine your data analytics with reports from various databases across the GCP, including Google Cloud SQL, MySQL, and Google BigQuery. Users can also connect to data from Google Analytics, Google Sheets, AdWords, and YouTube channels too.
Heavy customization: Perhaps one of the most exciting features of Data Studio is that it allows you to fully customize each aspect of your dashboard or report to make them unique to you. Users can add icons and logos, transform the background, add text colors and lines, and choose from a range of fonts and object properties to make their reports look one-of-a-kind. There's even the option to insert dynamic controls to allow viewers to explore their information in real-time.
Collaboration and Sharing: The Data Studio system is designed using the very same technology that goes into GSuite products like Slides, Sheets, and Docs. Users get complete control over who they want to access their documents, and they can grant groups and individuals inside or outside of the company access with a few simple clicks. There's also the option for real-time collaboration, so you can bring multiple people on a team together at the same time.
Templates: You don't need a lot of experience with graphic design and report creation to make the most of Google Data Studio. There's a vast library of templates to choose from, so you can get your system up and running in no time. All you need to do is connect to your preferred data sources and start customizing the report to suit your style.
Could You Benefit from Google Data Studio?
If you're the kind of marketer who loves working with spreadsheets and data on a regular basis, then you might not need Data Studio. However, let's face it - spreadsheets aren't the reason most marketers got into their career. Finally, with Google Data Studio, you can browse through your in-depth information about a client and make sure that it all makes sense.
With the help of the GCP, whenever you speak to your clients about your marketing efforts, you can show them the results of your hard work in easy-to-understand and visual reports. By sharing those branded reports with your clients, you can rest assured that they'll be able to see how your digital marketing efforts are paying off for them.
To find out more about Google Data Studio, or for help implementing the perfect GCP strategy for your needs, reach out to Coolhead Tech today!