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If you have been using Gmail accounts for your small business, the question ‘why use Google Workspace (G Suite) ?’ may come up a lot. As your small business continues to grow, you may need to adopt email addresses that look more professional. Customers are likely to take you more seriously if you use a business email address.
Having professional looking accounts does not have to affect your user experience. Most business owners who ask the question ‘why use Google Workspace (G Suite)? ’may not understand that it is basically a business version of Gmail. They do not need any special training to use it.
Why Use Google Workspace (G Suite)
Even though Google Workspace (G Suite) comes at a cost, it has plenty of benefits. Some of them include the following;
1. You Own the Email Accounts
With Google Workspace (G Suite), you enjoy ownership of all the employee email accounts. If an employee stops working for you, your email account remains with you. You can access their history for use by the next employee. With regular Gmail accounts, previous employees may sabotage your work if they join competitors.
2. Easy Document Sharing Among Employees
If all employees of a company share a Google Workspace (G Suite) account, the process of sharing documents is simplified. It is possible to send a view-only document to all members of the team in a few clicks.
3. Group Email Address
With Google Workspace (G Suite), it is possible to create a group email address at no extra cost. You can add as many members of your team as you please. Group email addresses are great for the customer care department.
4. Branding
If you are still asking the question ‘Why Use Google Workspace (G Suite)?’ think about the branding of your business. The logo of your company will be displayed at the top of your screen within your G Suite.
5. Getting Support is Easy
With Google Workspace (G Suite), you can enjoy 24/7 support on chat, phone, or email. You can get help whenever you need it.
6. File Ownership
All the slides, sheets, and documents created on Google Workspace (G Suite) belong to your business. Even when an employee stops working for your business, you will still maintain ownership of the company’s files.
7. Price
The price of getting Google Workspace (G Suite) is attractive. There are different prices for different versions and tiers. Whatever option you choose, you will enjoy great benefits at fair prices.
8. Multiple Aliases
With Google Workspace (G Suite), every member can have multiple aliases. The aliases can be fun and easy for customers to remember.
9. Plenty of File Storage
Google Workspace (G Suite) gives you plenty of storage space for your business files. With Gmail accounts, the default storage is about 15GB. The basic G Suite plan has up to 30 GB per user. If you wish, you may add storage beyond 30GB for every user.
10. Additional Security
One of the most important answers to the question ‘Why use Google Workspace (G Suite) ?’ is that it gives you additional security. G Suite has an extra layer of security that you can enforce. The two-step verification ensures that unauthorized people cannot access your account.
If you use an unknown device to log into your Google Workspace (G Suite), you will receive a verification code sent to your phone. The codes make it possible to access your account securely. Two-step verification is very important if you are using Google Drive as the backup standard for your computers.
To answer the question ‘Why use Google Workspace (G Suite)?’ it offers plenty of benefits for both small and big businesses. While there is nothing wrong with using Gmail, Google Workspace (G Suite) may help take your business to the next level.